Term Dates and Events

Term dates


Term Start Finish
Term 1 29 January 12 April
Term 2 29 April 5 July
Term 3 22 July 27 September
Term 4 14 October 13 December



Pupil Free Days

Term 1 - Monday 18th March (Week 8)

Term 2 - Friday 7th June (Week 6)

Term 3 - Friday 30th August (Week 6)  - (School Closure day - Monday 2nd September - Week 7)

Term 4 - Monday 11th November (Week 5)  


School times

The school yard will not be supervised before 8:35am.

Time Event
8:35am Yard Supervision starts
8:45am Classrooms open
8:50am Lessons begin
11:05am Recess
12:50pm - 1:00pm Lunch (eating)
1:00pm – 1:30pm Lunch (play)
3:00pm Dismissal